Internal Branding

Internal Branding

Internal Branding Jonathan Poland

Internal branding involves creating a strong brand identity within the company itself, rather than just focusing on marketing to customers. By aligning the company’s actions and messaging, internal branding helps to create a sense of authenticity and coherence within the organization. This can lead to increased employee engagement and a more cohesive company culture. By building a strong brand from the inside out, companies can create a more authentic and genuine brand identity that resonates with both employees and customers. The following are common types of internal branding.

Brand Strategy
Involving employees in branding. For example, ask all teams or individual contributors to submit a short statement of what the brand means to them.

Get insiders talking about the brand. Communicate brand initiatives to employees and encourage them to share it openly.

Corporate Culture
Work to align your norms, rituals, expectations and habits to your brand.

Training that goes beyond the technical details of how to do a job. Explain why work is important and how practices connect to your identity and values as a firm.

Customer Experience
Design and deliver experiences that live up to your brand in areas such as customer service, communications, websites, tools, products, services and environments.

Quality control and the design of quality products beginning with product development.

Aligning operations practices in areas such as sustainability to stated brand values, mission and vision.

Recruiting people who match your culture and brand. If your brand claims to be obsessed with sports, hire people who are obsessed with sports.

Performance Management
Performance management that reflects your brand. If your brand is about diligent and friendly customer service, this would be reflected as goals for any employees who meet customers.

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