Sales Data

Sales Data

Sales Data Jonathan Poland

Sales data is a type of business intelligence that provides information about the performance of a company’s sales activities. This information can include the number of sales made, the value of those sales, the products or services that were sold, and the customer demographics of those who made purchases. Sales data is typically used by businesses to track and analyze the success of their sales efforts, identify trends and patterns in their sales, and make data-driven decisions to improve their sales performance.

Sales data can be collected in a variety of ways, including through point-of-sale systems, customer relationship management (CRM) software, and online sales platforms. This data is often stored in a database or spreadsheet, where it can be analyzed and visualized to help businesses understand their sales performance.

There are many different ways to analyze sales data, including by looking at overall sales trends over time, comparing sales performance across different products or services, and analyzing the effectiveness of different sales strategies and tactics. By doing this, businesses can gain valuable insights into their sales performance and make informed decisions about how to improve their sales efforts.

In summary, sales data is an important tool for businesses to track and understand the success of their sales activities. By analyzing this data, businesses can identify trends and patterns in their sales performance, compare their performance to that of their competitors, and make data-driven decisions to improve their sales efforts.

Market Data & Forecasts
Sales planning data such as market data that is used to generate sales forecasts.

Customer details such as name and address.

Contacts for each employee of the customer who is involved in decision making, purchasing, administration and technical solutions related to your products and services.

Potential customers including details related to their industry, financial statements and other data used to qualify leads.

Potential customers who you are actively pursuing.

Tracking meetings and other interactions with the customer.

Documents such as sales collaterals, request for proposals and proposals.

Offers that are communicated to the customer including prices and terms.

Orders represent closed sales. Revenue is calculated using order data. Margins are calculated using order data and cost of sales data.

The details of sales campaigns such as promotional pricing events. Allows sales management to look at the historical and current results of campaigns.

Sales Teams
Data related to sales teams and salespeople that supports calculation of commissions and performance management. For example, each order may identify the salespeople who closed the deal.

Territories & Channels
Tracking sales territories and channels.

A catalog of your products and services.

Details of the customer’s current services.

Contracts with customers such as an SLA.

Invoices and payments.

Customer Service
Customer service interactions with customers such as a complaint. Used to manage customer relationships to improve customer lifetime value.

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