best practices

Best Practices

Best Practices Jonathan Poland

Best practices are generally accepted guidelines for achieving a specific goal. In a particular field or industry, best practices are often developed over time through experience and research, and are considered to be the most effective ways of doing things. These guidelines can help organizations and individuals achieve their goals in a more efficient and effective manner. Some common examples of best practices include:

  • Following industry standards and regulations
  • Using proven methodologies and frameworks
  • Continuously learning and improving
  • Collaborating and sharing knowledge
  • Focusing on customer needs and satisfaction
  • Prioritizing quality and safety

In general, best practices are used to help organizations and individuals make informed decisions, improve their performance, and achieve their goals in the most effective and efficient way possible.

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Continuous Process Jonathan Poland

Continuous Process

A continuous process is a series of steps that are designed to be executed concurrently, meaning that all the steps…

Infrastructure Risk Jonathan Poland

Infrastructure Risk

Infrastructure risk refers to the potential negative consequences that a business may face as a result of failures in core…

Brand Values Jonathan Poland

Brand Values

Brand values are the principles and beliefs that a brand stands for and that guide its actions. They reflect the…

Opportunity Cost Jonathan Poland

Opportunity Cost

Opportunity cost is the value of the next best alternative that is given up as a result of making a…

Operating Revenue Jonathan Poland

Operating Revenue

Operating revenue is the income that a company generates from its core business operations. It is a key measure of…

Quality Goals Jonathan Poland

Quality Goals

Quality goals are specific targets that are set to improve the quality of a product, service, or process. They are…

Sales Development Jonathan Poland

Sales Development

Sales development is a crucial part of the sales process that involves identifying potential buyers and developing qualified leads. This…

Narrative 101 Jonathan Poland

Narrative 101

Sales and marketing are the lifeblood of business and should be integrated into one function to drive business and brand narrative.

What is Maker Culture? Jonathan Poland

What is Maker Culture?

Maker culture refers to a collection of subcultures that are centered around the creation and customization of technology and other…

Content Database

Unstructured Data Jonathan Poland

Unstructured Data

Unstructured data refers to information that is not organized in a specific, predefined way that is easily understood by computers.…

Long Tail Model Jonathan Poland

Long Tail Model

The long tail refers to a business model that allows a large number of niche products or services to be…

Marketing Communications Jonathan Poland

Marketing Communications

Marketing communications refers to the various forms of communication that are utilized in order to achieve marketing goals. These channels…

Alcon Jonathan Poland


Alcon is a global medical company that is focused on developing and manufacturing innovative products to improve the lives of…

Analysis Paralysis Jonathan Poland

Analysis Paralysis

Analysis paralysis, also known as “paralysis by analysis,” is a phenomenon that occurs when individuals or groups become so focused…

Strategic Partnership Jonathan Poland

Strategic Partnership

A strategic partnership is a relationship between two or more organizations that is characterized by mutual cooperation and the sharing…

Market Risk Jonathan Poland

Market Risk

Market risk is the possibility that the value of an investment will decline due to changes in market conditions. This…

A/B Testing Jonathan Poland

A/B Testing

A/B testing, also known as split testing or experimentation, is a statistical method used to compare two versions of a…

Design to Logistics Jonathan Poland

Design to Logistics

Design for logistics involves designing products with the entire supply chain in mind, including manufacturing, packaging, shipping, warehousing, merchandising, and…