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Footer – Basic 150 150 Jonathan Poland
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Marketing Channel Jonathan Poland

Marketing Channel

The total combined industries of consumer goods and services.

Commoditization Jonathan Poland


Commoditization occurs when certain products or services become interchangeable, leading customers to focus on price as the main factor in…

Brand Engagement Jonathan Poland

Brand Engagement

Brand engagement refers to the interaction between a customer and a brand, and can be used as a way to…

Personal Data Jonathan Poland

Personal Data

Personal data is any information that can be used to identify an individual, including their name, date of birth, address,…

Intellectual Capital Jonathan Poland

Intellectual Capital

Intellectual capital is the intangible value of an organization that is derived from the knowledge, skills, and expertise of its…

Final Offer Jonathan Poland

Final Offer

A final offer, also known as a best and final offer, is a negotiation tactic in which a party submits…

Industrial Internet of Things Jonathan Poland

Industrial Internet of Things

Industrial IoT describes the ecosystem of devices, sensors, applications, and associated networking equipment that work together to collect, monitor, and analyze data across industrial operations.

Operating Model Jonathan Poland

Operating Model

An operating model is a framework that outlines how a business operates. It typically covers how a business produces and…

Exit Planning 150 150 Jonathan Poland

Exit Planning

Exit planning is a comprehensive strategy for business owners to transition out of their company on their terms. It involves…

Content Database

Search over 1,000 posts on topics across
business, finance, and capital markets.

Sales Quota Jonathan Poland

Sales Quota

A sales quota is a target for the revenue or units sold that a sales department, team, or individual is…

Total Addressable Market Jonathan Poland

Total Addressable Market

A total addressable market (TAM) is the total potential revenue that a company can generate from its products or services…

Sales Goals Jonathan Poland

Sales Goals

Sales goals are targets for the revenue or units sold that a sales team or individual is expected to achieve…

Communication Channels Jonathan Poland

Communication Channels

A communication channel refers to the various means of transmitting information and messages between individuals or organizations. There are many…

Business Process Reengineering Jonathan Poland

Business Process Reengineering

Business process reengineering, or BPR, involves examining and redesigning current business processes and workflows to achieve greater efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and…

Data Security Jonathan Poland

Data Security

Data security is the practice of protecting data from unauthorized access, use, modification, destruction, or deletion. It is a key…

Risk Prevention Jonathan Poland

Risk Prevention

Risk prevention is the process of identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks that may arise in a given situation. It…

Cost Advantage Jonathan Poland

Cost Advantage

A cost advantage refers to the ability of a company to produce a product or offer a service at a…

Penetration Pricing Jonathan Poland

Penetration Pricing

Penetration pricing is a pricing strategy in which a company initially sets a low price for its products or services…