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SB – Latest 150 150 Jonathan Poland

Content Database

Search over 1,000 posts on topics across
business, finance, and capital markets.

Personal Data Jonathan Poland

Personal Data

Personal data is any information that can be used to identify an individual, including their name, date of birth, address,…

The Power of Compound Interest Jonathan Poland

The Power of Compound Interest

Traditional finance will explain compound interest as the interest paid on a loan or deposit calculated based on both the…

Remarketing Jonathan Poland


Remarketing is a marketing strategy that involves targeting customers who have previously interacted with a business. This is often done…

Incident Management Jonathan Poland

Incident Management

Incident management is a process that involves the organization and coordination of efforts to address and resolve information technology incidents.…

Types of Revolution Jonathan Poland

Types of Revolution

A revolution is a sudden and significant change to the structure and foundations of a society, often involving conflict and…

Nudge Theory Jonathan Poland

Nudge Theory

Nudge theory is the idea that subtle suggestions, choices, and positive reinforcement can be more effective than commands, rules, and…

Market Value Jonathan Poland

Market Value

The value of an asset or good in a competitive market, where buyers and sellers can freely participate, is known…

BATNA Jonathan Poland


BATNA, or best alternative to a negotiated agreement, is the course of action that a party in a negotiation would…

Value Added Reseller Jonathan Poland

Value Added Reseller

A value added reseller (VAR) is a company that buys products from manufacturers or distributors and then resells them to…

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Data Breach Jonathan Poland

Data Breach

A data breach is a security incident in which sensitive, protected, or confidential data is accessed, disclosed, or stolen. Data…

Law of Supply and Demand Jonathan Poland

Law of Supply and Demand

The Law of Supply and Demand is one of the fundamental principles of economics. It states that the quantity of…

Drip Marketing Jonathan Poland

Drip Marketing

Drip marketing, also known as drip campaigns, is a strategy that involves sending targeted and personalized marketing messages to a…

Knowledge Transfer Jonathan Poland

Knowledge Transfer

Knowledge transfer is the process of transferring knowledge, skills, and information from one person or group to another. It is…

Managing Expectations Jonathan Poland

Managing Expectations

Managing expectations is the practice of communicating information to prevent gaps between stakeholder perceptions and business realities. It is common…

Accept vs Except Jonathan Poland

Accept vs Except

To accept is to consent, to receive or to believe something. Except means “not including.” Accept: to consent, to receive,…

Technology Skills Jonathan Poland

Technology Skills

Technology skills refer to the talents and abilities related to information technology and physical technology, such as machines. This includes…

Interest Rate Risk Jonathan Poland

Interest Rate Risk

Interest rate risk is the risk that changes in interest rates will negatively impact the value of an investment or…

Companies Likely to Aquire Federal Funding 150 150 Jonathan Poland

Companies Likely to Aquire Federal Funding

While the specific industries receiving federal funding can vary depending on the country and its government priorities, there are several…

Content Database

Search over 1,000 posts on topics across
business, finance, and capital markets.

Operational Efficiency Jonathan Poland

Operational Efficiency

Operational efficiency can be defined as the ratio between the inputs to run a business and the output gained from the business. It is primarily a metric that measures the efficiency of profit earned as a function of operating costs.

Phased Implementation Jonathan Poland

Phased Implementation

Phased implementation is a method of developing and introducing a business, brand, product, service, process, capability, or system by dividing…

Market Fit Jonathan Poland

Market Fit

Market fit refers to the extent to which a product or service meets the needs and preferences of a target…

Original Equipment Manufacturer Jonathan Poland

Original Equipment Manufacturer

An OEM (original equipment manufacturer) is a company that produces parts or equipment that is used in the manufacture of…

What is the Iterative Process? Jonathan Poland

What is the Iterative Process?

An iterative process is a method of working through a problem or project by repeating a series of steps, each…

Project Failure Jonathan Poland

Project Failure

A project is considered a failure when it does not meet the expectations of sponsors and other key stakeholders. This…

Cause and Effect Jonathan Poland

Cause and Effect

Cause and effect is a concept that refers to the relationship between an event (the cause) and a subsequent result…

Added Value Jonathan Poland

Added Value

The total combined industries of consumer goods and services.

Inherent Risk Jonathan Poland

Inherent Risk

Inherent risk is a term used in the field of auditing to describe the risk that a company’s financial statements…