Local Marketing

Local Marketing

Local Marketing Jonathan Poland

Local marketing refers to any marketing strategy that targets customers in a specific, finely-grained location, such as a city or neighborhood. This type of marketing is often used by small, local businesses to conserve resources and develop unique advantages by targeting the customers who are closest to them. Local marketing can also be used by larger firms as a micromarketing strategy, allowing them to tailor their marketing efforts to specific local markets in order to reach targeted groups of customers. By targeting customers in specific local areas, businesses can more effectively reach and engage their target audience, and develop marketing strategies that are tailored to the unique needs and preferences of customers in those areas. The following are common types of local marketing.

Advertising and promotion designed to reach people who are physically present in a location such as a neighborhood. Promotion may be highly targeted for locals. For example, a local celebrity may be recruited to pitch a product.

Sourcing local products, services, components and ingredients. For example, a cafe may advertise local ingredients on its menu.

In many cases, local marketing is based on customer relationships. For example, a salesperson may frequent the same restaurants, nightlife spots and community organizations as customers.

Products & Services
Products and services that meet local needs. For example, a store close to a beach might stock beach balls.

Community Involvement
Getting involved in local culture, causes and events.

Developing a unique position relative to other local businesses. For example, a flower shop that develops a local competitive advantage for weddings.

Using local knowledge to establish an effective distribution network. For example, a flower shop that develops partnerships with local wedding planners.

Customer Experience
The intangible elements of a product or service that have value to locals. For example, a bartender who remembers customer’s names.

Customer Satisfaction
Repeat business and word of mouth are often critical competitive factors for local business.

A small firm can establish valuable brand awareness within a city or neighborhood. In many cases, brand names, visual symbols and brand storytelling may feature local references.

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