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Understanding inventory is crucial for the successful operation of many businesses. Inventory…

Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is a fascinating and rapidly evolving field that seeks to…

Decision Trees

Decision Trees are a popular machine learning algorithm used for both classification…

Gold is Money

Overview The history of gold as money spans thousands of years and…

Military Contracts

Military spending contracts are agreements between a government or its defense department…

Business Objectives

Business objectives are specific targets or goals that an organization, team, or…

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Root Cause Analysis Jonathan Poland

Root Cause Analysis

Root cause analysis (RCA) is a method of identifying the underlying causes of a problem or issue in order to…

Soft Launch Jonathan Poland

Soft Launch

A soft launch is a product launch that is limited in scope, such as a release to a small group…

Media Infrastructure Jonathan Poland

Media Infrastructure

Media infrastructure refers to the technologies, services, facilities, and outlets that are essential for the communication of information, opinions, and…

Internal Branding Jonathan Poland

Internal Branding

Internal branding involves creating a strong brand identity within the company itself, rather than just focusing on marketing to customers.…

Motivation Jonathan Poland


Motivation is the driving force that inspires people to take action and pursue their goals. It is an important factor…

Conflicts of Interest Jonathan Poland

Conflicts of Interest

A conflict of interest exists when an individual or organization has incentives that contradict their responsibilities. This can occur when…

Forward Thinking Jonathan Poland

Forward Thinking

Forward thinking is the ability to anticipate and prepare for future events and trends in order to make informed and…

Lobbying Jonathan Poland


Vertical integration is when a single company owns multiple levels or all of its supply chain.

Toxic Positivity Jonathan Poland

Toxic Positivity

Top-down and bottom-up are opposing approaches to thinking, analysis, design, decision-making, strategy, management, and communication. The top-down approach begins with…

Content Database

Search over 1,000 posts on topics across
business, finance, and capital markets.

Narrative 101 Jonathan Poland

Narrative 101

Sales and marketing are the lifeblood of business and should be integrated into one function to drive business and brand narrative.

Production Jonathan Poland


Production is the process of creating goods or services for the purpose of satisfying consumer demand. It involves a range…

Strategy 101 Jonathan Poland

Strategy 101

Business strategy is the set of actions and decisions that a business takes in order to achieve its goals and…

Brand Objectives Jonathan Poland

Brand Objectives

Brand objectives refer to the specific goals that a brand is working towards. These goals can be both long-term end-goals,…

Types of Efficiency Jonathan Poland

Types of Efficiency

Efficiency refers to the relationship between the amount of input used to produce something and the amount of output that…

Risk Management Techniques Jonathan Poland

Risk Management Techniques

Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks in order to minimize their potential impact on an…

Capital Goods Jonathan Poland

Capital Goods

Capital goods are physical assets that are used in the production of other goods or services. These assets are considered…

Managed Services Jonathan Poland

Managed Services

Managed services refer to a range of IT and business services that are outsourced to a third-party provider. These services…

Small Business Jonathan Poland

Small Business

A small business is a privately owned and operated company with a small number of employees and relatively low volume…