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Process Automation

Introduction: Process automation refers to the use of information systems to automate…

Organic Growth

Organic growth refers to an increase in revenue that is generated through…

Strategic Drivers

Strategic drivers are factors that influence the success of an organization’s strategy…

Innovation Process

Innovation refers to the process of making significant improvements by taking bold…


Commercialization is the process of introducing a new product or service into…

Perceived Value

Perceived value is the subjective worth that a customer assigns to a…

Data Quality

Data quality refers to the accuracy, completeness, and reliability of information used…

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Long Tail Model Jonathan Poland

Long Tail Model

The long tail refers to a business model that allows a large number of niche products or services to be…

What is Greenwashing? Jonathan Poland

What is Greenwashing?

Greenwashing refers to the act of making false or misleading claims about the environmental benefits of a product or company…

Environmental Challenges Jonathan Poland

Environmental Challenges

Environmental issues are detrimental changes to the Earth’s natural surroundings that negatively impact the current quality of life for individuals…

What is Genchi Genbutsu? Jonathan Poland

What is Genchi Genbutsu?

Genchi Genbutsu is a Japanese term that refers to the practice of going to the source or the root of…

Risk Probability Jonathan Poland

Risk Probability

Risk probability refers to the likelihood that a particular risk will occur. It is an important element of risk analysis,…

Sales Goals Jonathan Poland

Sales Goals

Sales goals are targets for the revenue or units sold that a sales team or individual is expected to achieve…

Acceptable Risk Jonathan Poland

Acceptable Risk

An acceptable risk is a level of risk that is deemed to be tolerable for an individual, organization, community, or…

Economic Security Jonathan Poland

Economic Security

Economic security refers to the ability of an individual or a household to meet their basic needs, such as food,…

What is Knowledge? Jonathan Poland

What is Knowledge?

Knowledge is the understanding, skills, and expertise that humans acquire through experience, education, and research. It can take many forms,…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

Ecotax Jonathan Poland


An ecotax is a tax levied on activities that have a negative impact on the environment. It is intended to…

What is Price Stability? Jonathan Poland

What is Price Stability?

Price stability refers to the maintenance of relatively stable prices over time. This is typically measured by the rate of…

IT Architecture Jonathan Poland

IT Architecture

An IT architecture is a framework that describes the components of an information technology (IT) system, how they work together,…

Job Titles Jonathan Poland

Job Titles

Job titles are brief labels that are used to describe the duties, goals, and expectations of a job. Some companies…

Cross Sellilng Jonathan Poland

Cross Sellilng

Cross-selling is the practice of selling additional products or services to existing customers. In a single transaction, this might involve…

Creative Ability Jonathan Poland

Creative Ability

Creative ability is the talent or aptitude for creating ideas or products that are original, valuable, and impactful. This can…

Ingredient Branding Jonathan Poland

Ingredient Branding

Ingredient branding, also known as component branding or parts branding, is a marketing strategy that focuses on promoting the individual…

Ambition Jonathan Poland


Ambition is the drive and determination to achieve a particular goal. This can apply to any type of goal, including…

Examples of Consumer Goods Jonathan Poland

Examples of Consumer Goods

Consumer goods are physical products that are purchased by individuals for their own personal use. These goods are typically tangible,…