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Switching Barriers Jonathan Poland

Switching Barriers

Switching barriers are factors that make it difficult or inconvenient for customers to switch from one product or service to…

Customer Dissatisfaction Jonathan Poland

Customer Dissatisfaction

Customer dissatisfaction refers to a customer’s negative evaluation of a product or service. It can be measured by asking customers…

Knowledge Transfer Jonathan Poland

Knowledge Transfer

Knowledge transfer is the process of transferring knowledge, skills, and information from one person or group to another. It is…

Sales Planning Jonathan Poland

Sales Planning

Sales planning is the process of setting revenue and unit targets for a sales team, and developing a plan to…

Active Silence Jonathan Poland

Active Silence

Active silence is the intentional and strategic use of silence in communication. It involves the ability to listen attentively and…

Scarcity Marketing Jonathan Poland

Scarcity Marketing

Scarcity marketing is a strategy that involves creating a perception of limited availability for a product or service. This strategy…

Internet of Things Jonathan Poland

Internet of Things

The Internet of things describes physical objects with sensors, processing ability, software, and other technologies that connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet or communication networks.

Channel Strategy Jonathan Poland

Channel Strategy

A channel strategy refers to the plan an organization uses to reach and interact with its customers. A channel is…

Creative Services Jonathan Poland

Creative Services

Creative services refer to a range of services that involve the use of creativity and innovative thinking. These services often…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

Autonomous System Jonathan Poland

Autonomous System

An autonomous system is a system that is capable of functioning independently, without the need for human intervention. Autonomous systems…

What is Globalization? Jonathan Poland

What is Globalization?

Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of the world’s economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by advances in…

What is Cultural Fit? Jonathan Poland

What is Cultural Fit?

Culture fit refers to the compatibility of a candidate’s attitudes and experiences with an organization’s culture. It is a hiring…

Marketing Theories Jonathan Poland

Marketing Theories

Marketing is the process of identifying customer needs and developing strategies to meet those needs. This involves conducting market research,…

What is Feasibility? Jonathan Poland

What is Feasibility?

Feasibility refers to the extent to which something is practical or achievable. It can be evaluated on a scale ranging…

What is Greenwashing? Jonathan Poland

What is Greenwashing?

Greenwashing refers to the act of making false or misleading claims about the environmental benefits of a product or company…

Risk Probability Jonathan Poland

Risk Probability

Risk probability refers to the likelihood that a particular risk will occur. It is an important element of risk analysis,…

Product Management Jonathan Poland

Product Management

Product management is the practice of managing a portfolio of products throughout their lifecycle from concept to end-of-life. It can…

Management Challenges Jonathan Poland

Management Challenges

Management challenges are obstacles, difficulties, or inefficiencies that make it difficult for managers to achieve their goals and objectives. These…