

Puffery Jonathan Poland

Puffery refers to exaggerated or overstated claims in marketing communications. It is a legal concept that acknowledges that customers expect some level of exaggeration in sales and marketing materials, such as advertisements. Puffery is considered a type of “puff” or boast, and it is not intended to be taken literally. If a salesperson claims that a product is the “fastest” or the “best,” a reasonable customer would not expect this statement to be completely factual. Puffery is allowed in marketing as long as it does not rise to the level of false or deceptive advertising.

Some examples of puffery include statements like “the best product on the market,” “the most luxurious experience,” or “the strongest and most durable.” These statements are exaggerated and not meant to be taken literally, but they are intended to create a positive impression of the product or service being marketed. Other examples of puffery include slogans, taglines, and jingles that are designed to be memorable and appealing, but not necessarily factual.

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Customer Persona Jonathan Poland

Customer Persona

A customer persona is a fictional character that represents a specific type of customer that an organization is targeting with…

Data Breach Jonathan Poland

Data Breach

A data breach is a security incident in which sensitive, protected, or confidential data is accessed, disclosed, or stolen. Data…

IT Operations Jonathan Poland

IT Operations

IT operations involves the delivery and management of information technology services, including the implementation of processes and systems to support…

What is Knowledge? Jonathan Poland

What is Knowledge?

Knowledge is the understanding, skills, and expertise that humans acquire through experience, education, and research. It can take many forms,…

Demand Risk Jonathan Poland

Demand Risk

Demand risk refers to the possibility of experiencing financial loss or other negative consequences due to a discrepancy between the…

Disruption Strategy Jonathan Poland

Disruption Strategy

A distribution strategy outlines how a company plans to make its products or services available to customers. This includes not…

Audience Analysis Jonathan Poland

Audience Analysis

Audience analysis is the process of studying and understanding the characteristics of a target audience. This is often done in…

Key Strengths Jonathan Poland

Key Strengths

Key strengths are talents, character traits, and knowledge that are particularly relevant to a given role. These are often listed…

Project Proposal Jonathan Poland

Project Proposal

A project proposal is a document that outlines a proposed project and presents it to potential sponsors or stakeholders for…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

Risk Acceptance Jonathan Poland

Risk Acceptance

Risk acceptance involves consciously deciding to take on a risk, often because the potential reward outweighs the potential negative consequences…

Customer Journey Jonathan Poland

Customer Journey

A customer journey is the experience that a customer has with a company or brand over time, from their perspective.…

Business Objectives Jonathan Poland

Business Objectives

Business objectives are specific targets or goals that an organization, team, or individual strives to achieve within a certain time…

The GSA Process 150 150 Jonathan Poland

The GSA Process

The General Services Administration (GSA) is an independent agency of the United States government responsible for managing and supporting the…

Market Development Jonathan Poland

Market Development

Market development is the process of entering new markets to expand revenue and reduce concentration risk. It involves identifying and…

Local Marketing Jonathan Poland

Local Marketing

Local marketing refers to any marketing strategy that targets customers in a specific, finely-grained location, such as a city or…

Brand Legacy Jonathan Poland

Brand Legacy

Brand legacy refers to the strong association that a brand has with a particular product or service. A brand with…

Types of Fallacies Jonathan Poland

Types of Fallacies

A fallacy is an error in reasoning that can lead to an incorrect conclusion. Fallacies can be found in arguments,…

Adaptive Performance Jonathan Poland

Adaptive Performance

Adaptive performance is the ability of an individual to perform well in changing, uncertain, and stressful situations. This type of…