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Risk Culture Jonathan Poland

Risk Culture

Risk culture refers to the values, attitudes, and behaviors related to risk management that are inherent in the culture of…

Solution Selling Jonathan Poland

Solution Selling

Solution selling is a type of sales approach that focuses on offering customers a tailored solution to their problems, rather…

Concept Selling Jonathan Poland

Concept Selling

Concept selling is a approach to marketing and sales that involves framing unique selling propositions as a story that customers…

Abundance Mentality Jonathan Poland

Abundance Mentality

Abundance mentality is the belief that there is enough for everyone, and that abundance, rather than scarcity, should be the…

Channel Strategy Jonathan Poland

Channel Strategy

A channel strategy refers to the plan an organization uses to reach and interact with its customers. A channel is…

Capital Jonathan Poland


Capital is an asset that is expected to produce future economic value. It is a productive resource that is used…

Labor Specialization Jonathan Poland

Labor Specialization

Specialization of labor involves dividing work into specific roles or tasks, with the goal of improving productivity, efficiency, quality, and…

Team Manager Jonathan Poland

Team Manager

A team manager is responsible for directing and controlling an organizational unit. This leadership role involves authority and accountability for…

Daily Goals Jonathan Poland

Daily Goals

Daily goals are targets that you set for yourself to achieve on a particular day. These can include habits that…

Content Database

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business, finance, and capital markets.

Business Analysis Jonathan Poland

Business Analysis

Business analysis is the practice of researching and developing strategies, plans, solutions, and studies to support the goals and objectives…

Strategic Drivers Jonathan Poland

Strategic Drivers

Strategic drivers are factors that influence the success of an organization’s strategy and shape the direction of its business. They…

Revenue Operations Jonathan Poland

Revenue Operations

Revenue operations, also known as RevOps, is the practice of overseeing and optimizing an organization’s core sales processes. This includes…

Final Offer Jonathan Poland

Final Offer

A final offer, also known as a best and final offer, is a negotiation tactic in which a party submits…

Lead Qualification Jonathan Poland

Lead Qualification

Lead qualification is the process of identifying the most promising sales leads and focusing sales efforts on those leads that…

IT Governance Jonathan Poland

IT Governance

IT Governance refers to the way in which an organization’s executive leadership manages and directs information technology. It is a…

Security Controls Jonathan Poland

Security Controls

IT security controls are measures that are implemented in order to reduce security risks. These controls may be identified through…

Product Requirements Jonathan Poland

Product Requirements

Product requirements refer to the documented expectations and specifications that outline the desired characteristics and features of a product or…

Resource Efficiency Jonathan Poland

Resource Efficiency

Resource efficiency is the process of using resources in a way that maximizes their value and minimizes waste. This can…