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Niche vs Segment Jonathan Poland

Niche vs Segment

A niche is a specific, identifiable group of customers who have unique needs and preferences that are not shared by…

Channel Pricing Jonathan Poland

Channel Pricing

Channel pricing refers to the practice of setting different prices for a product or service depending on the sales channel…

Visual Branding Jonathan Poland

Visual Branding

Visual branding is the use of visual elements, such as color, typography, imagery, and design, to create a cohesive and…

Psychographics Jonathan Poland


Psychographics is the study of personality, values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles. It is a research method used to identify and…

Market Forces Jonathan Poland

Market Forces

The interaction that shapes a market economy. Market forces are the factors that determine the supply and demand for a…

Data Asset Jonathan Poland

Data Asset

A data asset is any data that is expected to produce future financial returns. The value of a data asset…

Opportunity Cost Jonathan Poland

Opportunity Cost

Opportunity cost is the value of the next best alternative that is given up as a result of making a…

Lifetime Customer Value Jonathan Poland

Lifetime Customer Value

Lifetime customer value (LCV) is a measure of the total value that a customer will bring to a business over…

Corporate Identity Jonathan Poland

Corporate Identity

Corporate identity is the visual representation of a company’s brand and values. It includes elements such as a company’s logo,…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

Business Efficiency Jonathan Poland

Business Efficiency

Business efficiency refers to the effectiveness with which a company or organization converts inputs, such as capital, labor, and materials,…

Deal Desk Jonathan Poland

Deal Desk

A deal desk is a team that is responsible for managing the sales proposal, negotiation, and contract process with customers.…

Consumer Goods Jonathan Poland

Consumer Goods

Consumer goods are goods that are produced and purchased for personal or household use. These goods are typically consumed or…

Customer Acquisition Jonathan Poland

Customer Acquisition

Customer acquisition is the process through which a business attracts and persuades consumers to avail its products or services, thereby…

Implementation Jonathan Poland


Implementation is the process of putting a plan or idea into action. In a business context, implementation refers to the…

Knowledge Value Jonathan Poland

Knowledge Value

Knowledge value is the value that is derived from knowledge, skills, and information. It can be a measure of the…

Market Environment Jonathan Poland

Market Environment

The market environment refers to all of the factors that can impact a company’s strategy, decision making, and tactics. This…

Talent Management Jonathan Poland

Talent Management

Talent management is the process of identifying, developing, and retaining highly skilled and capable employees within an organization. It involves…

The Fundamentals of Business Mastery Jonathan Poland

The Fundamentals of Business Mastery

Overview Business comes down to just two areas: investments and deliverables. Leaders make investments in people, products that are delivered…