Due Diligence

Due Diligence

Due Diligence Jonathan Poland

Due diligence refers to the level of investigation, care, and judgement that is appropriate and expected in a given situation. It is often used to describe the obligations of a business to investigate material facts before making a major decision, such as signing a contract, acquiring an asset, making an investment, merging with another business, hiring an employee, or establishing a partnership. Due diligence is a key aspect of corporate governance, which refers to the responsibilities of a business’s directors and management to stakeholders. In many cases, due diligence is legally required.

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Capital Financing

Capital financing is a critical aspect for businesses, particularly when it comes to development and expansion. It involves raising funds…

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Federal Grants

The US government grant money is divided into a variety of categories, including: Social programs: These programs provide assistance to…

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Data Proliferation

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Cash Conversion Cycle Jonathan Poland

Cash Conversion Cycle

The cash conversion cycle (CCC) is a financial metric that measures the amount of time it takes for a company…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

Business Ethics Jonathan Poland

Business Ethics

Business ethics refer to the principles and values that guide the behavior of individuals and organizations in the business world.…

Environmental Challenges Jonathan Poland

Environmental Challenges

Environmental issues are detrimental changes to the Earth’s natural surroundings that negatively impact the current quality of life for individuals…

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Quality Goals

Quality goals are specific targets that are set to improve the quality of a product, service, or process. They are…

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A growth strategy is a plan to increase or improve some KPI, like revenue, profit, subscribers, etc.

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Soft Sales vs Hard Sale

A soft sell is an approach to sales and promotion that emphasizes building a relationship and reputation with customers, rather…

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Economic Relations

Economic relations between nations refer to the economic interactions that occur between them. These interactions can include the exchange of…

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Waste is Food

The concept of “waste is food” is based on the idea that an industrial economy should not produce any waste except for biological nutrients that can be safely returned to the environment.

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Feasibility Analysis

Feasibility analysis is the process of evaluating the potential of a proposed project or system to determine whether it is…