Terms + Topics
Fair Competition Jonathan Poland

Fair Competition

Fair competition refers to competition between businesses that is open and equitable, allowing all participants to compete on an equal…

Capitalism Jonathan Poland


Capitalism is an economic system based on the principles of economic freedom, private ownership, and the creation of wealth through…

Business Environment Jonathan Poland

Business Environment

The business environment refers to the external factors and conditions that can affect a company’s operations and performance. It includes…

Customer Avatar Jonathan Poland

Customer Avatar

A customer avatar, also known as an ideal customer profile, is a detailed description of the specific type of customer…

Operations Security Jonathan Poland

Operations Security

Operations security, also known as “opsec,” is the practice of protecting sensitive information in the context of day-to-day business activities.…

Growth Strategy Jonathan Poland

Growth Strategy

A growth strategy is a plan to increase or improve some KPI, like revenue, profit, subscribers, etc.

Customer Expectations Jonathan Poland

Customer Expectations

Customer expectations refer to the base assumptions that customers make about a brand, its products and services, and the overall…

Security Controls Jonathan Poland

Security Controls

IT security controls are measures that are implemented in order to reduce security risks. These controls may be identified through…

Corrective Action Plan Jonathan Poland

Corrective Action Plan

A corrective action plan is a process designed to identify and address problems or issues within an organization. It involves…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

Willingness to Pay Jonathan Poland

Willingness to Pay

Willingness to pay (WTP) is a measure of how much a customer is willing to pay for a product or…

Customer Needs Anlaysis Jonathan Poland

Customer Needs Anlaysis

Customer needs analysis is the process of identifying and understanding the needs and wants of customers in order to develop…

Marketing Media Jonathan Poland

Marketing Media

Marketing media refers to the channels or platforms that businesses use to deliver their marketing messages to their target audiences.…

First Principles Thinking Jonathan Poland

First Principles Thinking

Overview First principles thinking is a method of reasoning that involves breaking down complex problems into their most basic and…

Risk Monitoring Jonathan Poland

Risk Monitoring

Risk monitoring is the ongoing process of keeping track of risks and managing them effectively. The risk management process often…

Fixed Costs Jonathan Poland

Fixed Costs

Fixed costs are expenses that remain constant regardless of changes in a company’s level of production or sales. These costs…

Communication Strengths Jonathan Poland

Communication Strengths

Communication strengths are qualities or abilities that enable an individual to communicate effectively. These can include general communication skills, such…

Demand Risk Jonathan Poland

Demand Risk

Demand risk refers to the possibility of experiencing financial loss or other negative consequences due to a discrepancy between the…

Media Planning Jonathan Poland

Media Planning

Media planning involves the strategic selection and scheduling of various media channels and platforms to deliver advertising messages to a…