Terms + Topics
Brand Loyalty Jonathan Poland

Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty refers to the degree to which a consumer consistently prefers one brand over others in a particular product…

Customer Satisfaction Jonathan Poland

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is the practice of measuring how happy customers are with a brand’s products and services. This is typically…

Behavioral Targeting Jonathan Poland

Behavioral Targeting

Behavioral targeting is a form of online advertising that uses information about a user’s online activities to create targeted advertisements.…

Brand Metrics Jonathan Poland

Brand Metrics

Brand metrics are used to assess the effectiveness of branding efforts and marketing strategies in terms of brand identity, positioning,…

What is a Market? Jonathan Poland

What is a Market?

A market is a place or platform where buyers and sellers come together to exchange goods and services. Markets can…

Communication Channels Jonathan Poland

Communication Channels

A communication channel refers to the various means of transmitting information and messages between individuals or organizations. There are many…

Technology Theories Jonathan Poland

Technology Theories

A technology theory is a broad idea that has significant implications for technology and its effects on society and culture.…

Consumer Services Jonathan Poland

Consumer Services

Consumer services are services that are provided to individual consumers, rather than to businesses or organizations. These services are typically…

Price Promotion Strategy Jonathan Poland

Price Promotion Strategy

A price promotion is a marketing strategy that involves temporarily lowering the price of a product or service in order…

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Performance Feedback Jonathan Poland

Performance Feedback

Performance feedback is any type of communication that evaluates an employee’s work performance and provides them with guidance on how…

Regulatory Risk Jonathan Poland

Regulatory Risk

Regulatory risk refers to the risk that a company will face regulatory actions or penalties as a result of non-compliance…

Overhead Costs Jonathan Poland

Overhead Costs

Overhead costs, also known as “indirect costs” or “indirect expenses,” are the costs that a company incurs in order to…

Professionalism Jonathan Poland


Professionalism is the practice of following the standards and expectations of one’s profession, organization, and role. It involves upholding the…

Security Controls Jonathan Poland

Security Controls

IT security controls are measures that are implemented in order to reduce security risks. These controls may be identified through…

Decision Tree Jonathan Poland

Decision Tree

A decision tree is a graphical representation of a decision-making process. It is a flowchart-like structure that shows the various…

One Stop Shop Jonathan Poland

One Stop Shop

A one stop shop model is a business model in which a single company or organization offers a wide range…

Risk-Reward Ratio Jonathan Poland

Risk-Reward Ratio

The risk-reward ratio is a measure that compares the potential for losses to the potential for gains for a particular…

Types of Raw Materials Jonathan Poland

Types of Raw Materials

A raw material is a basic and unprocessed resource that is used as an input in the production of goods…